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01 Jan


News, Nachrichten

The renewal path undertaken by the Lucaprint Group, which has been operating in the international graphic and paper converting sector for over 6 decades, starts from a new logo.

2018 is therefore, for the company of Pianezze San Lorenzo (VI), the year of an important anniversary: 65 years since its foundation, a very important milestone, which offers the starting point and the opportunity to renew the image and all communication tools, in order to bring out the best of the company's mission and vision, establishing a more direct and immediate dialogue with the market.

The renewal process, which will be completed in the coming months, started with some fundamental elements such as the company

logo and the pay off, designed to tell the story of Lucaprint's present and future, without however underestimating the strong link with the past.

Here, then, is the new brand: simply square, evoking the iconic shape of a box, it takes on the institutional blue color of the company but turned to green, thus recalling the value of environmental sustainability, which has become a cornerstone of Lucaprint's entrepreneurial principles.

The payoff is clear and coherent: "packaging, naturally", which implies the commitment to design and produce packaging in a natural way, by choice and history.